The Best Superfoods for Men's Health | Our Top Picks

Father's Day is just around the corner, which means we're celebrating all the wonderful Dads in our lives! Whether you're a new father and you're looking for ways to increase your energy to keep up with the kiddos, or you want to introduce your own dad to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, we rounded up our favorite foods that promote wellness, particularly for men. 

1. Cacao Powder

Cacao is full of vitamins and minerals to aid men’s health, particularly Zinc. This micronutrient is essential for prostate health, since low levels can be connected to fertility issues and prostate disease, and the human body doesn't store zinc naturally, so it's important to get enough through diet. Share this delicious peanut butter chocolate shake with your dad!

2. Goji Berries

Full of powerful antioxidants that can support men's fertility, goji berries are a go-to source for reproductive health. Studies have shown goji berries can also reverse the effects of free radical damage, in addition to maintaining male hormone health. Toss them over any meal, or add into a cake you're baking for Father's Day! 

3. Camu Camu powder

An overall all star in terms of health benefits, camu camu is an excellent superfood for everyone, including dads. Packed with vitamin C, it contains 60% more than an orange, plus it contains amino acids that assist with muscle growth and repair, preventing muscle breakdown. It keeps organs healthy, and aids in digestion. Use in a smoothie, or in our natural remedy recipes when a cold comes on.

4. Beet Juice Powder

Important for cleansing and lowering blood pressure, beet juice powder is loaded with health benefits. The nitrates found in this superfood also help to increase energy levels, which can increase the success of a workout, for those dads who love hitting the pavement or getting outside! Simply add a teaspoon to water, or try our tasty beetbucha recipe

5. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain the highest plant-based source of Omega Fatty Acids, which can help maintain a healthy heart, immune system and cognitive function. Blend them into anything from a smoothie to soup or use in Dad's favorite sugar-free baked good recipes. 

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