How to Keep Your Mind Sharp While Aging

Whether we want to face it or not, there is one thing we all need to eventually face: we’re getting older. However, while aging always comes along with some not-so-favorable changes like wrinkles and decreased energy, there are ways to combat these side effects. More specifically, one of the most life-changing accompaniments to aging, mental deterioration, can be slowed or even reversed when certain measures are taken.

Mental deterioration doesn’t necessarily mean Alzheimer’s or dementia, although these can be harsh realities of aging. Instead, getting older can simply lead to decreased mental vitality, leaving individuals with slower reaction times, trouble concentrating - the list goes on. And while these changes aren’t always detectable, they’re slowly happening, so it’s important to take care of our brains while we’re still young.

One of the most effective ways to keep our minds sharp is by exercising our mental processes - it’s like bringing your brain to the gym! Plus, the best part about mental exercise is that, just like physical exercise, there are millions of ways to do it. Whether you enjoy puzzles like sudoku or crosswords, reading, or using one of the many apps out there to play mentally stimulating games, you’re sure to find an exercise you enjoy. Regardless of what you choose to do, be sure to consistently engage your brain in problem solving, memory, and mathematical problems in order to enhance the growth and survival rate of the neurons in your brain.

In the same way that mental exercises help improve brain function, so does physical exercise! In fact, studies show that hitting the gym for just 20 minutes can help with information processing and memory function. How? When you get your body moving, you begin to pump more blood to the brain, helping to move things along and more effectively repair damaged brain cells.

Perhaps even more important to brain function than mental and physical exercise is controlling high blood pressure. When your body is dealing with hypertension, your artery and blood vessel walls become damaged, ultimately hindering the amount of blood that can reach your brain. Without enough blood, your brain becomes more susceptible to dementia and cognitive impairment. Similarly, high cholesterol has been shown to lead to memory loss. By keeping tabs on your health and avoiding these issues, keeping your mind sharp as you age can become a lot less of a hassle.

And of course, superfoods wouldn’t be superfoods if they didn’t have to ability to help you keep your brain function as strong as possible, no matter what your age. By increasing your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids with flax, chia, and hemp seeds, you can help your brain protect itself against mental decline and promote learning and memory improvement. Additionally, we recommend adding red raspberry powder and beet juice powder to your diet in order to increase your body’s levels of anthocyanin and Vitamin B. Anthocyanin, a color pigment that gives raspberries their color, is a great anti-aging compound that slows the effects of aging by improving memory and motor skills. Plus, the Vitamin B in beet juice powder is great for strengthening data processing skills. Overall, many superfoods are known for their anti-aging compounds (like keeping your skin looking young), so we recommend checking out as many of them as possible.

While it’s always a good idea to get a doctor’s opinion if you are experiencing signs of declining brain function due to aging, it’s also important to keep in mind all of the ways to naturally improve mental vitality. Keeping your brain healthy and active is easier than many people think, and believe us - you’ll only thank yourself as you get older.

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